Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Clock Never Stops

         I woke up on 11-11-11 almost expecting something unusual to happen.  I went to work, sat at my desk and drank my coffee.  Later I went to lunch with my husband and watched all the big wig Kansas executives have their fake conversations in their nice suites as they brush off their waiter.  I thought to myself how awful it must be to have to sit at their table and pretend to like them. 

The rest of the day continued as normal but my awareness was higher than usualy. I found myself watching the day and every little detail... knowing this day would never happen for me again.  My thoughts then turned to how we should live everyday as if we will never have it again. 
If you know me at all, unlike most people my age who can't wait until the next phase of their life, I find myself missing the past and even in happy moments feeling sad that it will end all too quickly... which it does. 
I truly do cherish each day and the time that I have with the ones I love and even on 11-11-11.  It was beautiful weather for that time of year in a time where we remember our veterans who have ensured our freedom. 

I was blessed to wake up and live another day and to spend it with my husband.  I was blessed to have a job to go to and to have the money to go out for lunch.  I'm blessed to live in America with the freedoms I have.  We should not have to have one day of the year to remind us to appreciate all of the others, and if nothing else, that is what 11-11-11 did for me.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Giving Up with the Kardashians

      I am so tired to hearing about Kim Kardashian, but I had to see what all the hubub was about this show of hers.  I got sucked in for a moment looking at their perfect looking family on their exotic vacation on the beach.. but then I snapped back into reality and turned off the tube.

          What happend to quality television and qualitify entertainers?  People used to have to be talented to have a show.  The sad thing is that these shows would not continue to pop up and air if there was not an audience for them.  We, Americans, keep watching the rich and famous become more rich and famous and it needs to stop.  All I heard over the summer was Kim's wedding this and Kim's wedding that.  Now she's getting a divorce.  How is this suprising? Enough is enough, people!