Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Giving Up with the Kardashians

      I am so tired to hearing about Kim Kardashian, but I had to see what all the hubub was about this show of hers.  I got sucked in for a moment looking at their perfect looking family on their exotic vacation on the beach.. but then I snapped back into reality and turned off the tube.

          What happend to quality television and qualitify entertainers?  People used to have to be talented to have a show.  The sad thing is that these shows would not continue to pop up and air if there was not an audience for them.  We, Americans, keep watching the rich and famous become more rich and famous and it needs to stop.  All I heard over the summer was Kim's wedding this and Kim's wedding that.  Now she's getting a divorce.  How is this suprising? Enough is enough, people!

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