Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Not As Ready for Some Football

Hank Williams Jr.'s song has been a classic on Monday night football.  Hearing it makes me think of fall as a kid, getting a cup of hot chocolate and gathering with the family to watch Monday night football.  I have mixed emotions regarding the removal of the song.  I don't think removing the song was necessary, although I do think Williams behavior was a little immature and unprofessional. 

His joke regarding Obama was inaprropriate even if he did not mean it to come across the way that it did.  His overall demeaner from the start did not help his case by making a comment about the female host, arms folded with sunglasses on as if he was too good for the interview.  Unfortunately many celebrities tend to get full of themselves and think they should share their political views.  I personally don't usually give a hoot about celebrities political views.  Most of them have less education than I do!  I am sad that the song is gone, I wish it wasn't.  It seems a little drastic to remove the song completely. 

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