Monday, October 17, 2011

Peace & Yoga

When people hear the word “peace” it may bring about thoughts of war, hippies or even Christmas.  For such a little word, peace can bring a lot of different meanings, feelings and definitions.  In our current day and age world peace is probably one of the first things that come to mind.  World peace is a desire felt by many, but how attainable is it?  World peace starts with one person and while it may not be possible for you alone to change the world, you can make a difference by striving to be peaceful both in your thoughts and actions about yourself and others.  One simple way many achieve this inner peace is through yoga.

Yoga began in ancient India as a disciplinary practice to meditate and focus.  Yoga still is used the same ways today although there are many different variations.  Whether you go to improve your health, maintain flexibility, meditate, or just relax after a long day, you will leave yoga feeling a sense of peace and clarity. 
Yoga is not just for your parents or their generation.  In fact, the “Yoga in America” market study found that 40.6% of people who participate in yoga are 18-34 in age.  The study also stated that nearly 14 million Americans have had yoga recommended to them as medical therapy by a therapist or doctor.
One of Avila’s best kept secrets is that it offers a yoga class that is free to students.  This class meets on Wednesdays from 4:45-5:45 and is the perfect way to release your stress from a day filled of classes.  Yoga is taught by Tom Jacobs who has been teaching yoga since 1987.  Jacobs has taught over 6,000 students at 10 different Kansas City locations including Avila. 
Jacobs had the following to say regarding peace and yoga:
At the heart of yoga is not just "finding peace”, but "becoming peace". All spiritual practice, whether it's prayer, meditation, yoga or others, are meant to align you with God's energy inside you. These practices help you remember where you come from, what sustains your life, and what purposes you have on this earth. There is a part of each person that is totally unshakable, strong, stable and serene. Nothing can destroy or upset that essential part in you. Call it your soul, your spirit or your core, that is the presence of God within you.  All spiritual practices re-align & re-connect you with that! Then you live in a wakeful state and can share your infectious love to transform hearts and heal the world.”
World peace starts with you and your heart.  The decisions you make today for yourself can impact everyone tomorrow. Living intentionally and taking the time to learn how to accept yourself and love others will always bring a peaceful change.

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