Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Stamp of DISapproval on Celebrity Stamps.

        After hearing that the US Postal Service is attempting to add hip celebritiess to their stamps in order to generate new business from young people, I can only roll my eyes. I am 25 years old and will admit that this new campaign will not cause me to buy more stamps or start mailing letters instead of sending emails.  My generation wants everything now.  We are not patient and we are cheap.  We love emails because they are instant and free.  I have even started paying bills online to avoid buying stamps whenever possible.  I send out Christmas cards which is probably the biggest check the post office will ever recieve from me.  Unless they are going to put Bing Crosby on the stamps at Christmas, I will probably never buy a celebrity stamp.  Don't get me wrong, I like celebrities, but if I have a need to see one I will simply turn on my television.  I understand these are rough economical times for the post office, but they should consider if it's bad for them, how bad is it for the poor college students who can't get jobs?  In my opinion, a better improvement the post office could make would be to hire some people who possess some manners and don't look like they just rolled out of bed. I would be highly suprised if any new business would occur from these changes. 

      The post office just dismissed their rule that stamps cannot feature people who are still living.  I thought it was a good rule, almost like you had to be a living legacy to be featured on a stamp, just like the presidents on the dollar bills.  So now when we go to buy stamps will we have the option to choose Mary and baby Jesus or Justin Beiber?  It just takes the significants away from legacies like Dr. Martin Luther King, George Washington and Marylin Monroe.  My stamp of disapproval is smacked down on this new idea.

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