Tuesday, September 6, 2011


This interview of Jimi's really caught my attention by how modest he was. Unlike other celebrities, he was not concerned about fame, fortune or money. Instead he seemed to hold a deep burden, not for himself, but for the world. He was highly spiritual and when he performs he is not performing to impress others but instead it is almost a release of energy for him, a freeing of his spirit and everything that he represents, stands for and believes.

This interview shows the state of the world- it was afraid of Jimi and others like him who represented radical change and going beyond the norms of society. Jimi wished to test boundaries, to ask why and to stand out by being a unique individual.

In part of the interview Jimi refers to not "Being Awake" yet. The audience laughs as if he means he is still tired, but I believe Jimi is refering to spiritual awakeness. That getting up in the morning does not make you awake, just as living life does not make you truly alive.

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