Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Johnson Interview

Born and raised in Northwest Iowa, Brandon Johnson is no stranger to education.  From an early age Brandon was always one to step up and be involved.  He attended Alta High School in Alta, Iowa where he was heavily involved in sports, 4H, Future Farmers of America, and community service. 
After graduating high school in 1999, Brandon earned his Bachelor’s in Arts in Communication from Buena Vista University.  At Buena Vista, Brandon was a year letter winner in football and very involved in leadership organization and multicultural group activities.  Brandon was a first generation college student and went on from there to earn his Master of Arts in Education from the University of Saint Mary. He will be receiving his Doctorate in Educational Leadership in spring 2012.
Besides attending college, Brandon has worked in higher education for over seven years.  He began his career as an admission representative and eventually moved up to the Director of Enrollment Management at the University of Saint Mary.  He has been the Director of Undergraduate Admission at Avila for nine months and plans to remain in private higher education for the rest of his career.
Brandon currently resides in Kansas with his wife, Sarah, nine-month old son, Bode, and Labradoodle (baby girl), Reese.  I interviewed Brandon and learned more about his career, interests and the “Sweet Hog of Mine” song...

Me: What have you learned most in all your years of recruiting?
Brandon: I think that you have to always put the student first regardless of pressure or needs of the institution and never forget about the student their success.
Me: Why do you love what you do?
Brandon: I love what I do because every day, every student is a new challenge and a new opportunity- working with students and families is pretty much the most rewarding thing. I know first-hand the difference private education can make it someone’s life, which is why I’m really passionate about private/Christian based education. It changed my life.
Me: Did you have a teacher or coach that was an inspirational mentor to you?

Brandon: Coach Osterberger. He told me that if you come here and just go to class and play football, you’re wasting your time. There’s more to it than that- community service, challenging yourself, and exposing yourself to new points of view.

Me: What, in your opinion, are the keys to success?
Brandon: Attitude and effort.  Those are the two things in life you actually control.
Me: Do you have a favorite quote or motto?
Brandon: The Serenity Prayer:

        “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the     
          things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.”

This prayer means a lot to me.  My father battled addiction his entire life but never lost his passion to be the best person he could be and leaving a positive impact on as many lives as possible.
Me: What book could you read over and over again?
Brandon:  Oh, the Places you’ll Go,” by Dr. Seuss. It was read at our wedding and I now read it to Bode.
Me: When you think about high school memories, what sticks out in your mind?
(Ponders for a moment then chuckles) singing “Sweet Hog of Mine.”
Me: (Attempting to hold back laughter) this is a song?
Brandon: Yes.  A trio of us sang it for our high school musical at the state fair.
Me: (Laughing) Very nice. If you could have any super power, what would it be?
Brandon: The ability to warp so I could go visit family and friends more regularly.
Me: What’s something on your bucket list?
Brandon: Attend a Michigan – Norte Dame football game at the “Big House” in Ann Arbor. Over 100,000 fans in one place at one time…I would definitely use my warp super power to get out of the parking lot after the game though.
Me: What do you do for fun, hobbies?
Brandon: A variety of activities from golf to walking to shooting hoops, pretty much anything attached to sports.
Me: If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would it be?
Brandon: My brother Blake; his personality and outlook on life is amazing, he lives each day to the fullest and is determine to enjoy life.
Me: What’s in your CD player in your car right now?
Brandon: (Laughs) Oh no... It is called the “Mentor Leader” by Tony Dungy.
Me: I had a feeling your answer wouldn’t be music. What is that?
Brandon: It’s a leadership style that is built around the mentorship program, investing in people personally and professionally and empowering them. It’s just a style I truly believe in and continue to try to learn more about as I grow in my profession.
Me: What is the best advice you could give for college students?
Brandon: Step out of your comfort zone

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