Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A New You

January is often considered a time for new beginnings and new resolutions for the upcoming year.  But many resolutions soon fade once February hits.  The great thing about spring is the chance for spring cleaning and creating the new you.  As you are packing away your coats and boots to trade for flip flops and shorts, you may soon realize that you can no longer fit into last year’s pair.  Here are some suggestions to become a healthier you inside and out for this spring.
1.       Clean out the fridge.  Throw out all that expired and moldy cheese and replace it with raw fruits, veggies and lean meat.  If you are not getting enough of these power foods you may want to invest in a good multivitamin.
2.       Exercise at least three times a week.  There is no excuse for this one.  If you have a gym membership, join a fitness class to help keep you accountable.   Sometimes it is easier to suffer through a workout when you know you are not alone. If you do not have a membership, there are plenty of workout videos with diet plans available for purchase for as little as ten dollars at Wal-Mart or Target. 
3.       Get outside.  It is a known fact that sunlight improves your outlook.  Along with some vitamin D you will also receive serotonin from the sun which cues your brain to be happy.
4.       Get organized.  A great way to eliminate stress from your life while cleaning is to get organized.  Take advantage of your cell phone’s planner and buy a small filing cabinet for your bills, homework, etc.  Knowing where things are will not only save you time but also create confidence.
5.       Try something new.  Have you always wanted to take ball room dance or belly dancing lessons?  Do it!  Mix up your workout; it does not have to be boring. 

Vickie Jeffries is a personal trainer at the YMCA.  The Y focuses not only on physical health, but a healthy mind and spirit as well. Jeffries has created a spring cleaning chart to help educate others on how to be disciplined and healthy.  Some of her suggestions to help a busy person to be active are simple things like walking the dog, doing yard work and taking the stairs.  When it comes to diet, Jeffries stresses the importance of cutting out sugar and caffeine and eating power foods like raw fruits and veggies.

Molly Wichman, a 2005 Avila grad and now the operations manager for 24 Hour Fitness, shared with me the importance of spring renewal.  Molly recommends the following goals for those wishing to change their body and outlook.  Wichman suggestions for fitness efficiency are setting a schedule and sticking to it, finding a workout partner to make it more fun, downloading fun, upbeat music to your ipod to keep motivation up, registering for an event like a 5k to give yourself fitness goals, and rewarding yourself for meeting your goals.

Judy Schmoeger, the owner of Anytime Fitness, suggested that people eat five fruits a day to help during their spring cleanse, especially since spring offers a lot of fruit that is in season.  She also suggests that students get outside, relax, and take a walk.  The days are now longer and there is much more time to take advantage of the outdoors.

It is your life and your body.  With a little determination and discipline we can all better ourselves to become a healthier person inside and out.  You only have one body; take care of it.

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